The bike has done just over 13000 miles - mostly dry, no winter (salt) riding & it's kept in a garage with a dehumidifier. Taking it to my exhaust fella tomorrow to see whether he can weld it or whether it's gonna have to be ring clamp
it is not the Agostini is the vibrations of the GRiSO
my GRiSO on the tour to Mandello:
2 of the small screws from the chrome trim away from the exhaust... the upper retaining bolt of the exhaust (Zard) losvibriert and lost the holder of the exhaust pretzel torn (for the 2nd time) the exhaust pipe of the exhaust pretzel torn 3/4
but the permanent grin while driving...that remains
Popped up to a fella who's done exhaust work for me before. He's done a quick repair - I'm looking to have him fashion a slighter larger piece to go over it to hide the tatty edges at some point in the future. But that can wait till winter.
I'd suggested a ring type clamp, but he reckons that because the can is cone shaped & tapers down, it wouldn't work too well. This will do for the next few weeks till it goes on SORN