After my ordeal to get my new bike from the useless dealer in my area, I'm trying to find time to go through the break period and open this thing up. Giving it the berries. I only clocked 350 miles and everything at 5000rpm and below but it will change this coming weekend!
This new bike is running super smooth in its stock configuration (??), I'm surprised. My 09 wasn't close to that nor my 2013.
It also appear to have more Oumph right of idle...I mean, it pulls really strong I love it.
Also, the suspension is dialed in perfectly for me (I'm 5.7", 170 lbs) but that's because it's new.
Did the factory improved their mapping or could it simply be that I got a good one? Or am I becoming too facking old for my own good!!
In any case, I'm a happy camper and in love all over again.
I'm really contemplating the dual high mounted slip ons by BOS...always had a woody for that set up since day one.
Oh, a good riding friend of mine is getting the same bike...should have his by end of week.
Ohhh yeahhhh, riding fools in the near future. And in style!
I'm tickled.
I screwed up! Meant to post that in Grisology. Steak, feel free to move it. Thanks.